Wednesday 16 May 2018

हम मोटे क्यों होते है। Why we are faty.😕

हम मोटे क्यों होते है। Why we are faty.

Hello friends today I tell you why we are faty.
So friends आज में अपको बताऊगाँ कि क्यों हम मोटे होते है।
Friend's there many points that make you faty guy.

  1. First is unhealthy food.
  2. Pollute food.
  3. Undigestive food.
  4. Oily food.
  5. Un fresh food.etc
Friend's these are types of food are not good for our health so please leave them.

1.First is unhealthy food.
Unhealthy food means that the food is teasty but not good for health example- is pizza, burghers etc.

2.pollute food.
Pollute food means that the food is dirty and that have jerms.example- street food.

3.undigestive food.
Undigestive food means that the food is not digestive by human body. example- Momos, noodles etc.

4.oily food.
Oily food means that the food extra oil quentity in a food that you eat.example- pakode, cheese refines etc.

5.un fresh food.
Un fresh food means that the food is out dated but you still eat and store in frizer.example-cooked chicken, 🍞 etc.

Friend's if you are eat this types of food your unhealthy fat is gain and you make himself faty 


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